Basic Concepts

The Technosoft Motion Language (TML) is a high-level language allowing you to:

Set up a Technosoft intelligent drive/motor for a given application
Program and execute motion sequences

The setup part consists in assigning the right values to the TML registers and parameters. Through this process you can:

Describe your application's configuration (e.g., motor and sensors types)
Select specific operation settings (e.g., motor start mode, PWM mode, sampling rates, etc.)
Set up the controller parameters (current, speed, position), etc.

The output of the setup process is a set of values – the setup data – to be written into the TML registers and parameters. The setup data can be:

a)Stored into the drive's non-volatile EEPROM, from where it will automatically be loaded to the TML registers and parameters at power-on, if the data integrity check has been passed
b)Included at the beginning of a TML program as a set of assignment instructions through which the TML registers and parameters will be initialized with the desired values

Remark: EasySetUp – the latest generation setup tool for Technosoft intelligent drives/motors – handles the setup process according with option a). IPM Motion Studio – the previous generation setup tool – handles the setup process according with option b).

The motion programming part allows you to:

Set various motion modes (profiles, PVT, PT, electronic gearing or camming, etc.)
Change the motion modes and/or the motion parameters
Execute homing sequences
Control the program flow through:
oConditional jumps and calls of TML functions
oTML interrupts generated on pre-defined or programmable conditions (protections triggered, transitions on limit switch or capture inputs, etc.)
oWaits for programmed events to occur
Handle digital I/O and analogue input signals
Execute arithmetic and logic operations
Perform data transfers between axes
Control motion of an axis from another one via motion commands sent between axes
Send commands to a group of axes (multicast). This includes the possibility to start simultaneously motion sequences on all the axes from the group
Synchronize all the axes from a network

Due to a powerful instruction set, the motion programming in TML is quick and easy even for complex motion applications. The result is a high-level motor-independent program which once conceived may be used in other applications too.


Basic Concepts next topics:

TML Environment

Program Execution

TML Program Structure

TML Instruction Coding

TML Data

Memory Map – Firmware version FAxx

Memory Map – Firmware version FBxx



See also:

TML Description