TML Environment

The TML environment includes three basic components:

1.“TML processor”
2.Trajectory generator
3.Motor control kernel

The software-implemented “TML processor” represents the core of the TML environment. It decodes and executes the TML commands. Like any processor, it includes specific elements as program counter, stack, ALU, interrupt management and registers.

The trajectory generator computes the position, speed, torque or voltage reference at each sampling step, depending on the selected motion mode.

The motor-control kernel implements the control loops including: the acquisition of the feedback sensors, the controllers, the PWM commands, the protections, etc.

When the “motion processor” executes a motion command, it translates them into actions upon the trajectory generator and/or the motor control kernel.


Basic Concepts next topics:

Program Execution

TML Program Structure

TML Instruction Coding

TML Data

Memory Map– Firmware FAxx

Memory Map – Firmware FBxx



See also:

Basic Concepts

TML Description